Get Involved in Your Town

Increasing participation in Burlington’s Town Meeting will lead to a better, more inclusive community for all residents. Discussions and debate over issues should be acceptable and encouraged among the members of the body and their constituents.

If you're interested in creating a town that works for the residents as you feel it should, run for office. It takes a bit of work but can be so very satisfying. Getting elected depends on you.

If you want to start as a local legislator, run to represent your precinct in Town Meeting. Each year, six (6) seats are elected. You can find information about the process at Go to the Town Clerk's page.

If you want to run for a town-wide office, you need to collect more signatures and let people know who you are and why you're running. What's your passion? Education, basic governance, the climate, recreation, or something else? There are many opportunities to be involved. It starts with you.

As Moderator, I explored practices that enable greater, more effective participation by TMMs. Under Roberts Rules of Order, unless otherwise voted by the assembly and published in the organization’s rules, members must be recognized in the order in which they stand. I understand the frustration of many TMMs who believe the Moderator misses calling on members who want to speak on an issue. It's a question of lighting: with a spotlight shining on the moderator, it's not easy to see the faces in the audience.

Many towns have microphones in the aisles for questions and “yes” and “no” opinions. The Moderator recognizes members in the order in which they stand at the microphones with allowance made for people who cannot stand. This practice reduces the perception that the Moderator decides who will or won’t be allowed to speak. If our auditorium seating were more generous and people could easily get in and out of the rows, the mics in the aisles could work.